Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Second Chance Act Of 2007 - 939 Words
Introduction The Second Chance Act of 2007 (H.R. 1593) was signed by President George W. Bush in the year 2008. This act is also famous by the name Community Safety through Recidivism Safety. Recidivism became a topic of focus since increasing numbers of inmates started getting let out in the society. The key stakeholders of this act are the society at large, the inmates and especially their families (O Hear, 2007). The Second Chance Act of 2007 can be quoted as â€Å"To reauthorize the grant program for reentry of offenders into the community in the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, to improve reentry planning and implementation, and for other purposes†(Library of Congress, 2008) The main purpose of this act was to ensure that the juvenile and adult offenders and their families are facilitated to reenter the society. The main motive was to increase and improve public safety and at the same time make sure that the increasing population of prison inmates getting reintroduced into society is taken care of (Freudenberg, Daniels, Crum, Perkins, Richie, 2005). Post the passing of legislation, there were a number of issues that were brought up by the opposition. One important point was why the â€Å"inmates†who had obviously committed felonies were given that many benefits. There were arguments that raised concerns about the fact that the felons received more benefits than most of the people working with the United States Military (O Hear, 2007). The fact that theShow MoreRelatedThe Maryland Second Chance Act1163 Words  | 5 PagesCommission on Civil Rights; Meg Ward, Executive Director – Patrick Allison House From: Rachel Harman, Social Work Intern Date: February 15, 2017 Subject: Here’s to Second Chances: Extend the Maryland Second Chance Act to Housing, Not Just Employment The 2015 Maryland Second Chance Act: â€Å"For Employers Only†The Maryland Second Chance Act is a relatively new piece of legislation that authorizes persons to petition the courts to â€Å"shield†conviction records for nonviolent misdemeanors (possession of aRead MoreYouth Criminal Justice Act881 Words  | 4 PagesWhen someone mentions the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA), some would argue that there is no purpose for it. Some believe that the age boundary is inappropriate; some believe that children should not have reduced sentences and special rights; and some may think that a youth’s criminal record should be accessible in the future. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Business Process in a Hotel Free Essays
Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL MIROSLAV DRLJACA, MSc, Researcher Zagreb Airport, Ltd. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Process in a Hotel or any similar topic only for you Order Now , Zagreb, Croatia METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL UDC 65. 012. 4:640. 4 Preliminary communication Requests of interested parties, amongst which the customer has the central position, are starting points of quality management system that complies with requirements of ISO 9000ff international norms. Regardless of the fact whether we want to arrange hotel management system to meet the requirements of these norms, one should be able to recognize exact requests of interested parties, especially of the customer of services. Correct recognition of these requests presents the beginning of quality system management in a hotel. In order to fulfill the expectations and requests of guest, the management system in a hotel must be developed, documented, implemented and managed in such way to ensure realisation of the actual and foreseen guests’ requests. Function structure of hotel organisation will not be sufficient for a long-run achievement of this goal. Classic structural model of hotel organisation must be upgraded through developed, documented and implemented business processes. In order to run hotel successfully, numerous interrelated activities must be defined and managed. The application of business process systems in the hotel, their definition and interaction, together with the management, can be defined as process approach. Business processes are one of structural elements of hotel management system. If they are not developed, documented and implemented, we can justly ask whether hotel management system is capable of meeting requests of interested parties. For running businesses, as well as hotels, there are three characteristic types of business processes: core business processes, management business processes and support processes. Scientists and experts do not agree about generally accepted methodology of business process modelling. This paper accepts a hypothesis saying that a good methodology is the one which enables managing of business process in a way to ensure the fulfillment of interested parties’ requests, specifically the requests of guest. Key words: process, methodology of business process modelling, process approach. INTRODUCTION Despite the fact that only a small number of hotel industry representatives in Croatia possess ISO 9001 certificate as international confirmation of requested quality level of management system, the idea of quality, as marketing orientation, as business 752 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL philosophy and everyday practice, is more and more existing in hotel industry. Independently of the degree of awareness of hotel management, business processes can be developed in any of the following ways: 1) in a long-established manner – which is based on „know-howâ€Å" of the most important parametres of business processes, with interventions only in situations when reliability of business process is seriously affected, 2) without any control, when in extreme cases the business process develops in completely uncontrollable conditions, 3) in partly controllable conditions â⠂¬â€œ characterized by business process model according to chosen methodology, in conditions which are controlled in the same amount as the basic parametres that define them, and 4) in completely controlled conditions – those business processes whose basic parametres of definition are under complete control. 2 In order to create completely controlled environment for developing of usiness process in a hotel, it is necessary that hotel business processes be: 1) named, 2) described, 3) structurised/organised, 4) controlled, 5) managed, and 6) always improving. In order to fulfil it, hotel business processes need to be conceived, i. e. developed according to chosen methodology. The problem lies in the fact that ISO 9001:2000 norm (Quality Management Systems – Requirements) requires the proof that business processes are managed, but methodology of business processes developing is not being suggested. 3 The choice of methodology, and often its definition, is left to be made by hotel management. 1. DEFINITION OF TERM „PROCESSâ€Å" The word „processâ€Å" evolves from Latin word „procedereâ€Å", which originally means „moveâ€Å" or „go aheadâ€Å". This word form was followed by noun „processusâ€Å", which is translated as „processâ€Å" and means „ †¦ a series of actions, phases or events, development (in any direction or form) and transformation (inputs outputs) of anything that was took under consideration (element, structure, sub-system, system, etc. ). â€Å" 1 2 3 ISO 9001 certificate, international confirmation of requested quality level of management system, acquired the following hotel industry representatives in Croatia: (in 1999: Hotel Excelsior in Dubrovnik, Hotels Maestral – Hotel Komodor in Dubrovnik; in 2000: Vodicanka Tours – Hotel Punta in Vodice, during change of owners did not retain the certificate, and Hotels Argentina in Dubrovnik). Basic parametres of definition of business processes are: a) object of activity (material, information, product, service and similar), b) frequency of operation (continually, sometimes only once, and similar), c) area of activity (state, city, company/organisation, part of company, and similar. ), d) manner of operation (usual, uncontrollable, in partly controllable conditions, in completely controllable conditions). At writing about methodology of business process development the authors avoid presenting final solutions, because methodology of business process development represent intellectual ownership (know how) of the author or consultant. Rare examples in Croatian literature are: Ivan Mamuzic, â€Å"Procesni pristup u sustavu upravljanja kvalitetom†, Kvaliteta, Broj 3, Infomart, Zagreb, 2002, p. -4, in which author presents possible methodology of business process development and shows part of diagram of process flow; Miroslav Drljaca, â€Å"Proces kao ishodiste modela ISO 9001:2000†, Kvaliteta, Broj 3, Infomart, Zagreb, 2002, p. 5-6, in which the author presents methodology of business process development and shows break-up of one business process; Zivko Kondic, Kvaliteta i ISO 9000, Tiva, Varazdin, 2002; and partly: Nenad Vulic, Sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom, Veleuciliste u Splitu, Split, 2001. Total presentation of methodology of business process development is written in: Nenad Injac i Marko Besker, Metodologija izgradnje poslovnih procesa u sustavu kvalitete, Oskar, Zagreb, 2003. 753 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL Figure 1. Process presentation RULES AND CONTROLS INPUT TRANSFORMATION AREA OUTPUT MECHANISMS Process can be also defined as â€Å"a course, evolution or manner through which something was born or transformed, it is a development, a procedure †¦Ã¢â‚¬ 4 HRN EN ISO 8402:1996 norm defines the process as a â€Å"group of mutually independent resources and actions which transform input elements into output elements. †5 Transformation of input elements into output is in fact a transformation of one into the other. Each process thus becomes unique and special. Transformation of input into output is a system of complex interactions of operations and resources. It is a technology. It is â€Å"know how. International norm ISO 9000:2000 defines the process as „group of connected or mutually dependent activities which transform input into results. â€Å"6 The application of process system in a company, its definition and mutual interaction, as well as the management of process system – can be call ed „process approach. â€Å"7 The process approach has the advantage of permanent managing of links between – particular processes (within the process structure), which is the structural element of hotel management system, – and – combination and mutual interaction of these elements. 8 When applied in the hotel quality management system, this process approach underlines the importance of the following: ? understanding and meeting of guest’s requests, need of supervision of business processes in value added conditions; ? achieving results of business processes and their efficiency, and 4 5 6 7 8 Zelimir Domovic, Sime Anic i Nikola Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, SANI-PLUS, Zagreb, 1998, p. 1163. HRN EN ISO 8402 Quality management and quality assurance – Vocabulary, (ISO 8402:1994; EN ISO 8402:1995), Quadrilingual version. International norm HRN EN ISO 9000:2002 Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2000, EN ISO 9000:2000), Version quadrilingue, p. 40. International norm HRN EN ISO 9001:2002 Quality management systems – Requirements (ISO 9001:2000, EN ISO 9001:2000), p. 14. Except process structure, structural elements of management system of every company, a hotel as well, are: 1) strategic documents of company (mission, vision, strategy, politics, general and special managerial aims), 2) organisation, 3) resources, 4) partnerships, and 5) communication and notification. 754 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL ? permanent improvement of business processes, based on impartial estimation. Regardless of many possible types of business processes, and many diversities of process structures, all business processes in hotel can be divided into three types: ? management processes, ? core processes, ? support processes. Figure 2. Three types of business processes Management processes Guest’ s request Core business processes Guest’ s satisfaction Support processes Source: Martyn A. Ould, Business Processes, John Wiley Sons Ltd, Chichester, England, UK, 1995, p. 2. Many industries have more than one core or „macroâ€Å" group of business processes, including: management of business system, management of resources, realisation of products and services, measurement and control. 9 Management business processes are important for progress of core business processes, as well as of support process. These are business processes of development, planning, quality management and management of hotel organisation. Because of entirety and directions of their influence onto core business processes – Management business processes are called – vertical processes. Core business processes are focused on the achievement of satisfaction of customers, (buyers/users), i. e. hotel guests. They directly add new value to the product, meaning service. They meet requests of hotel guests and are generator of their 9 Herbert C. Monnich, Jr. , ISO 9001:2000 for Small and Medium Sized Businesses, American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 2001, p. 3. 755 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL contentment. Core business processes, processes of fulfillment or realization, are business processes whose result – in form of product or service has direct value confirmation on the market. The plan and the product in their creation are in core business processes strongly integrated. Core business processes are called – horizontal processes. Figure 3. Interactivities of different types of business process Management processes (vertical) Core processes (horizontal) Support processes (vertical) Support processes which are also called logistical or resourceful business processes, are directed towards producing satisfaction of internal users within hotel organisational structure. They are able to create added value for the guest. However, this influence on making added value is indirect and is fulfilled through support of core business processes. Support processes are auxiliary business processes and represent a support to core business processes. With regard to direction of activities onto core business processes, they are also called – vertical processes. Numerous management, core and support processes develop within this process structure simultaneously. They have a series of interactions. Each interaction in certain measure affects the business process result in terms of meeting the guests’ requests. 2. BUSINESS PROCESSES IN A HOTEL „Complete work process of a hotel consists of processes of production activities and service activities. Purpose of production activities is rendering of services which have product characteristics, like: various food, beverages that are specifically prepared, bread, desserts, and similar. Purpose of service activities is providing guests with: accommodation, serving of meals and beverages, entertainment, sale of goods, various handicraft-and-services, laundry washing, ironing, and similar. â€Å"10 „Process contains all activities linked into a chain. It starts with defining of all possible needs a 10 Ivanka Avelini Holjevac, Kontroling – Upravljanje poslovnim rezultatom, Sveuciliste u Rijeci, Hotelijerski fakultet Opatija, Opatija, 1998, p. 379. 756 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL guest (tourist, buyer, etc. ) may have during the trip, until return, only with aim that all guests’ needs are met. â€Å" 11 Table 1. Types of business processes in a hotel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Process of hotel management. Process of planning. Process of development. Process of marketing. Process of quality management. Process of environment management. Process of social responsibility management. Process of security/safety at work management. 1. Process of producing food and beverages which are specifically prepared. 2. Process of serving meals and beverages. 3. Process of reception and accommodation of guests. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Process of human resources management. Process of financial management. Process of infrastructure maintenance. Process of information management. Process of purchase. Process of sale. Management business processes in a hotel. Core business processes in a hotel. Support processes in a hotel. At identifying of business processes in a hotel and dividing them into types, it is necessary to avoid identification of business function and business process in a hotel. Essential differences are at least these that follows: ? business function is static category, while business process is dynamic category, business function is mostly operated within one structural hotel unit, and is usually named after it, while process implies more participants from more structural hotel units, ? business function is operated within hotel, while process can have participants from outside of hotel structural organisation, but who are important for progress of concrete business process, 11 Zdenko Cerovic, Hotelski menadzment, Sveuciliste u Rijeci, Fakultet za turisticki i hotelski menadzment Opatija, Opatija, 2003, p. 415. 757 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL ? ? ? . business function is run by functional manager, and process is run by business process manager, and identification of these roles must not be a rule but an exception, business process is one of the possible inner aspects of supervision of costs, quality costs as well, while function is not, due to all these differences, function is a narrower concept than business process. METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT Basic task of hotel management during of business processes development is in fact establishing, directing and describing of events during transformation process of input into output. In order this task could be accomplished, we ust have suita ble methodology of business process development within the quality system. Different companies use dissimilar methodologies. Modelling of methodology in great measure depends on knowledge about quality management. Regardless of which methodology is used by teams who developing business processes, they should remain consistent when they apply it in developing all business processes in a hotel. Hotel management must create its own methodology or choose already existing methodology of business process development. Teams for business process development in practice often encounter the problem of verification of correctness of their own solutions. This paper presents one of the possible approaches. 3. 1. Identification of the process is initial task in business process developing and demands (from the team): naming of the process, appointing of the leader (manager) of business process, defining of its objective(s), defining of input and output requests, description of mechanisms, rules and controls. Afterwards, they must determine outer and inner users of business process results, as well as designate process steps as consisting parts of the business process. 3. 2. Diagram of the context is simple display of business process at the highest level from which an interaction can be seen: rules, controls and mechanisms during transformation of input into output. 3. 3. Display of static model of business process presents logical sequence of process steps development as consisting parts of the business process. This phase of business process development identifies structural units where individual process step develops, and locates control points at which measurements will be performed – and thus manage the business process. 3. 4. Description of the process describes requests that result from requests and needs of guests, then from specifications, norms, regulations, elaborations, methods and resources. Here are also identified requests, objectives and descriptions of their fulfillment, as well as allowed deviations. By defining of allowed deviations we in fact determine the minimum quality level of business process. 758 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL Figure 4. Diagram of the context RULES AND CONTROLS GUEST’ S REQUEST PROCESS OF RECEPTION AND ACCOMMODATION OF GUESTS A- 0 GUEST’ S SATISFACTION MECHANISMS 3. 5. Diagram of decomposition of business process is methodologically confirmed graphical representation of the process with all its consisting parts – process steps. It represents logical sequence of process steps development. It specifies input, rules and controls, mechanisms and output of each process step. Diagram of decomposition represents a technology. It shows process of reception and accommodation of guests per process steps that logically develop in sequence. At least one exit from a process step is also an entry into the next. Process steps in the process of reception and accommodation of guests are identified as follows: 759 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL Figure 5. Decomposition of process of reception and accommodation of guests Refusal of request Guest’ s request ANALYSIS OF GUEST’ S REQUEST A-01 ACCOMODATION OF GUEST A-03 RECEPTION OF GUEST A-02 Accommodated guest Orders to departments Invoice issued to guest Invoice forwarded to Financ. Dept. HANDLING OF GUEST A-04 Fulfillment of guest’s request CHARGEING AND GREETING OF GUEST A-05 Fulfillment of requests FINAL ACTIVITIES A-06 Reports New process cycle A-0. 1 Analysis of guest’ s request A-0. 2 Reception of guest A-0. 3 Accommodation of guest A-0. 4 Handling of guest A-0. 5 Charging of services and greeting of guest A-0. 6 Final activities 3. 6. Description of process steps must specify input, output, mechanisms, rules and controls of each process step, as well as locate structural hotel unit in which certain process step develops. Also, written procedure is named, if any of process steps should be additionally documented. 3. 7. Presentation of dynamic model of the process is plan of implementation of developed business process into functional structure of organization of the hotel. The plan shows in which structural hotel unit develop activities of each process step, and which unit of organization is responsible for their execution. Making of presentation of dynamic model business process is a precondition of the process organisation itself. 760 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL Figure 6. Dynamic model of process of reception and accommodation of guests Partners Financial Division Human Resources Div. Accommodation D. Reception Accommodation Divis. Food bever. Division Commercial Division Controlling Quality Manager Process steps General Manager Structural units Analysis of guest’s request A-01 Reception of guest A-02 Accommodation of guest A-03 Handling of guest A-04 Charging of services and greeting of guest A-05 Final activities A -06 3. 8. Establishing of responsibility for the process is logical continuation of work on business process development. It implies exact establishment of responsibility of concrete executor of individual process step. After establishment of responsibility, the conditions for establishment of management team for concrete process are prepared. Management team is headed by manager of business process. In this way we model process organisation, based on team work. 12 3. 9. Plan of measuring within the process is based on description of business process, i. . defined limits of allowed deviations, up to which business process still shows reliability as one of its crucial characteristics. The plan of measuring defines names of control points where certain measurements will be performed. It also defines target value, allowed deviations and measuring method. By all these measurements, comparisons with target values, and possible application of corrective measures and activities – we manage the business process. 12 Pere Sikavica, â€Å"Procesna i timska organizacija†, Slobodno poduzetnistvo, br. 18/98, Zagreb, 1998, p. 108116. 761 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL 3. 10. Plan of providing information within process is necessary in order to clearly define: which participant of business process provides the information, who receives it, what is its contens, and when is the information sent and received. 3. 11. Making of further process documentation implies writing of procedures for particular process step which definitely needs it, and writing of lower level documents, like work instructions, check lists, plans of corrective measures and activities, etc. CONCLUSION In the audit of quality of hotel management system it is necessary to document and prove the request for business process management. Since this is the requirement of ISO 9001:2000 international norm, and only four representatives of hotel industry in Croatia have certificates related to this international norm, it is justified to ask: which methods were used in hotels to name, describe and organise structural units of business processes, and how were these business processes controlled, managed and constantly improved. In the economy branches, which are the core of tourist industry, the most successful companies, except for food-and-beverages industry, do not have certificates. There is a limited number of companies which possess international certificates, amongst which are: retail trading, hotel industry, road transport and manufacture of furniture. Therefore, repeatedly, the question is put: can we create development strategy for Croatian tourism without developed strategy of these economy branches that realise part of revenue resulting from tourists’ expenses. There are no ready universal solutions. Imitating of another company’s solutions or adoptions of lesser adjustments of these solutions as their own optimum solutions are – delusions, and in practice will be causing entropy. Every business process is different. It can even have the same name, same number and same names of process steps, same inputs and outputs, but still there are no identical business processes. Differences and originalities are happening in the interaction of inputs and outputs, rules, and controls, as well as mechanisms in each process step – in the area of transformation of inputs into outputs. In the context of quality management systems we may conclude that ISO 9001:2000 international norm does not suggest methodology of business process development, but demands the proof that business processes are being managed. It can be concluded that every methodology of business process developing is satisfactory, if it can prove the management of processes. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Avelini Holjevac, Ivanka, Kontroling – Upravljanje poslovnim rezultatom, Sveuciliste u Rijeci, Hotelijerski fakultet Opatija, Opatija, 1998. Cerovic, Z. , Hotelski menadzment, Sveuciliste u Rijeci, Fakultet za turisticki i hotelski menadzment Opatija, Opatija, 2003. Domovic, Z. , Anic S. i N. Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, SANI-PLUS, Zagreb, 1998. Drljaca, M. , „Proces kao ishodiste modela ISO 9001:2000â€Å", Kvaliteta, Broj 3, Infomart, Zagreb, 2002. Drljaca, M. , „Konzistentnost kvalitete i poslovne uspjesnosti u Hrvatskojâ€Å", Zbornik radova 7. Simpozija Hrvatskog drustva menadzera kvalitete Kvaliteta nas izbor za buducnost, Oskar, Zagreb, Sibenik, 2005. 762 Creating Customer Value in Tourism and Hospitality Industry, pp. 752-763 M. Drljaca: METHODOLOGY OF BUSINESS PROCESS DEVELOPMENT IN A HOTEL 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. HRN EN ISO 8402 Quality management and quality assurance – Vocabulary, (ISO 8402:1994; EN ISO 8402:1995), Quadrilingual version. International norm HRN EN ISO 9000:2002 Quality management systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2000, EN ISO 9000:2000), Version quadrilingue. International norm HRN EN ISO 9001:2002 Quality management systems – Requirements (ISO 9001:2000, EN ISO 9001:2000). Injac, N. i M. Besker, Metodologija izgradnje poslovnih procesa u sustavu kvalitete, Oskar, Zagreb, 2003. Kondic, Z. , Kvaliteta i ISO 9000, Tiva, Varazdin, 2002. Mamuzic, I. , „Procesni pristup u sustavu upravljanja kvalitetomâ€Å", Kvaliteta, Broj 3, Infomart, Zagreb, 2002. Monnich C. H. , Jr. , ISO 9001:2000 for Small and Medium Sized Businesses, American Society for Quality, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, 2001. Ould A. M. , Business Processes, John Wiley Sons Ltd, Chichester, England, UK, 1995. Sikavica, P. , â€Å"Procesna i timska organizacija†, Slobodno poduzetnistvo, Broj 18, Zagreb, 1998. Vulic, N. , Sustavi upravljanja kvalitetom, Veleuciliste u Splitu, Split, 2001. 763 How to cite Business Process in a Hotel, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Leadership and Governance
Question: Discuss about theLeadership and Governance. Answer: Introduction Leadership in the modern business world constantly challenges leaders of organizations and their abilities. Most famous leaders used to face challenges that rise themselves to another level. These challenges usually test leaders and help themselves in improving the skills that will contribute to accomplishing the predefined goals set by individuals or organizational goals. The essay focuses on challenges of leadership faced by modern managers of organizations. There are different types of problems that can be categorized into three groups such as external, internal and individual leadership challenges. Apart from the challenges, many issues in leadership are discussed in the essay such as factors that are responsible for creating problems among leaders in their field of their operations. Recommendations to the leaders of different organizations are also provided to cope up their situations in the challenges of leadership. A period of instability or a change is witnessed by the leader s when they implement new strategies in their teams or organizations. Despite formulating new strategies, theoretical frameworks are also described that will help managers in coping up with situations that are creating a negative impact on the team. Many reasons have given birth to many challenges to the leaders of the world. The fundamental premises of leadership in the business world at its core will never change. Leaders are present since from the ancient period. There is a need for individuals that are responsible for encouragement, motivation, and inspiration of the team members that are working together towards a common objective. However, the working environment where leaders and workers are expected in accomplishing the goals has transformed in recent years. They need to cope up with the changed environment to navigate the modern business competitive world (Christensen et al., 2014). Lack of keeping them with technology, changing demographics and globalization, poor understanding of motivations and customer needs, and inefficient choice and information availability are the reasons of challenges of leaders. At lightning speed, technology is developing and utilizing it in business mechanisms. The technologies and latest to ols that had evolved a few years ago are now obsolete. Business leaders find many difficulties while keeping themselves updated about every change. Otherwise, they have to face problems in team management. Young team performers are trained in the usage of different technologies. It is necessary for the leaders to have a clear understanding of the various methods of business operations. The Internet has opened the doors of many global business opportunities in different sectors. The increasingly global nature of the economy, i.e. introduction of free trade has helped multinational companies to penetrate untapped markets. Leaders who are not aware of the updated economic growth are bound to have lacked knowledge. They will face problems in managing their teams. However, there is a massive shift of demographics are prevalent in many countries. Spending nature and disposable income of generation Y are increasing day by day. For increased productivity, all the external factors are needed to be understood for proper team management (Singh, 2015). In many cases, odd choices and information may misguide leaders for choosing their form of leadership in a particular team. It is one of the reasons of facing leadership challenges. Apart from having different external issues of management, many internal aspects are causing hindrances to leaders in practicing their form of leade rship. Companies are focused on the productivity. Apart from these activities, organizations must focus on the benefits of the employees. It would result to effective team performance. The nature and mindset of employees are the factors of leadership issues in organizations. Without having proper knowledge about the characteristics of the team members, leaders cannot lead his team properly. Lack of communication is the cause of the main issues within the team. Communication problem can also result in a lack of understanding of the needs of the customers (Chhokar et al., 2013). Miscommunication with the different departments of the organization will lead to improper guidance to the team members There are different types of challenges that leaders of organizations are witnessing in their daily official activities. The problems can be categorized into three groups such as external, internal and individual reasons. Apart from external challenges of leadership is the result of external market issues such as forces from the opposition, interpersonal problems, lack of funding, etc. however, there are other factors of political, social and economic factors that can affect organizations in a larger perspective. A success of a leader depends on the ability of handling issues both inside and outside the team i.e. major and minor annoyances. A successful leader will be able to handle every issue with constant succession with taking advantages of the opportunities (Camm, 2016). There are some situations where leaders face external challenges in practicing leadership in the teams. When something new thing is about to start is one of the causes of a rise of external challenges. It goes w ith when things are ending. Another reason includes tough times and in transitions. Beginning of a new intervention or trying something different in a module lead to problems among the team. Lack of communication among the team members leads to lower productivity and acceptance of new approach. Relationships and systems break without the guidance of a proper leader (Frost, 2016). However, if a new system is introduced in an organization, then at the time of conclusion a close knit is required. Many times, it is missing. Leaders usually are known for its problem solving and excellent leadership skills. Followers and team members in tough situations expect their team leader or other leaders of the firm to address the problem. The ways in which usually a leader solves severe cases in hid a field of operations are defusing attacks, reducing expenses, proper investment of money, etc. Crises, public criticisms, opposition from powerful forces, flare up in the field of others interpersonal skills, political or financial windfall and collaboration are the lists of external leadership challenges faced by global leaders. Internal challenges include lack of decisiveness, the inability of being objective, the failure of directing others, defensiveness, insecurity, etc. The team members may feel uncertainty about the task they are delegated by the leader (Pechlaner et al., 2014). In many cases, it is very hard for a leader in the decision-making process. Many factors affect the decision making process. Irreversi ble decisions cause adverse impacts on the subject matter of the decision. Real leadership can create the positive effects on people both in organizations and in society as a whole. Sometimes, leaders are failed to motivate people despite providing motivation to its followers. Apart from this, it is also necessary to drive the head so that he can perform the duties and responsibilities in a responsible way. There are many role models of leadership which are followed by executives of companies that help them in solving the challenges of the organizational level (Ramirez, 2014). Many theories of leadership are implemented by corporate leaders in their firms to develop the minds of people resulting in increased performance of the project. The principles of leadership that are described in the essay for the benefit of the managers are Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behavioral theories, transactional leadership theories, etc. Great Man theory is a type of leadership theory that is evolved in the 19th century. Earlier it was not identified scientifically that combination of human characteristics is responsible for identification of exceptional leaders. As the name of the theory suggests, the features or traits of a person are intrinsic. They are inborn characteristics. According to this theory, leadership qualities are born from the time of birth. The theory of Great Man is proposed by Thomas Carlyle. Herbert Spencer in 1860 added some propaganda to the theory that leads it to a new dimension. Another theory is trait theory (Ofoegbu et al., 2013). As per the th eory, human beings either born with some specific traits or they can gather few features that will help them to excel in the field of leadership. Creativity, sense of responsibilities, intelligence, etc. are the characters that will encourage a person to put in the shoes of an exceptional leader. The theory emphasizes on analyzing physical, mental and social characteristics while gaining a deeper understanding of patterns and traits that are already present in a successful global organizational leader. Behavioral theories usually focus or emphasize on the behavioral characteristics of a person. The behavior of a person depends on many factors such as mental, social or physical characteristics. However, with the invention of psychometrics, behavioral psychologists can analyze the features by factor analysis (Gentry Eckert, 2012). It can help in enhancing the effect of relationship on particular traits of human beings. As per this theory, leaders are made not born. Another theory of Transactional leadership emphasizes the relationship between leaders and the followers. The transaction between leaders and followers are Modern managers can apply these methods in their workplace based on their needs. It illustrates a theoretical framework that values mutually beneficial and positive relationship. The theories of transactional leadership are found to be very effective. It results in the provision of benefits of high motivation (McCleskey, 2014). Here, the leaders at the organizational level find a way to encourage the followers. They have to customize the theoretical frameworks according to the needs of the organization. However, the transactional leaders are proven to be more efficient as they develop an environment of mutual reinforcement to accomplish the goals of the organization (Miner, 2015). The theorists of transactional leadership style stated that in general human beings are seeking in maximizing the good experiences while diminishing up the unpleasurable experiences. An associated theory of Leader-member Exchange theory (LMX) is related to the transactional method. Three stages are developed in LMX theory are an organizational stage, role development, and leader- led relationship (Das, 2015). Managers and executives of multinational corporations in many perspectives face many issues in managing teams and their performances. The theoretical models of leadership on its implication will help the managers to solve the problems from the base. Team members or the followers of the leaders must have an exceptional relationship with the leaders. On following theories of transactional leadership in the practical field, the executives of the firm will be able to resolve the conflicts between the followers and team leaders (Solansky et al., 2015). Proper customization of the theoretical frameworks of Great Man theory, behavioral theories, and transactional theories can yield to solve the challenges faced in the perspective of leadership in multinational corporations. It can also be used in small, medium enterprises and other societal leaders in the development of the community as a whole (Arnold Loughlin, 2013). External challenges of leadership can be mitigated by being creative, proactive, facing conflict squarely, retaining objectivity, looking for common ground, opportunities for collaborating, etc. On the contrary, internal challenges can be solved by listening, asking for 360-degree feedback, looking around you, reaching out in facing the internal challenges. The only deficit of leadership is improved by sharing the burden, taking time for the person, mutual support with one another, creating mechanisms for reviewing the vision (Washington et al., 2014). Apart from that, leaders can develop many leadership skills that will help in practicing an effective form of leadership in the particular organization. Among the different type of leadership styles, participative, democratic and situational leadership can be used that will help in the development of employee relations in an organization. Participative leadership will help in the inclusion of the team members in the decision making pro cess (Kumar et al., 2014). Ultimately, it will lead to more cooperation among the leaders and the followers. It will also enhance the corporation to support innovation among the employees. Innovation is the vital aspect of differentiation among the available products and service in the market. Innovation is practiced by most of the famous companies in the global market to create an innovative effect in the market. Leadership is indirectly related to many parts of the business operations. Situational leadership is the most traditional form of leadership that is used by famous leaders to solve the issues of the organizations they are associated in. It is a command that changes according to the nature of the situations (Burris et al., 2013). The information about the challenges of leadership and the factors that hinder global leaders to perform their work in their workplaces is very useful for managers and other executives of companies. Leaders are present not only in organizations but also in society as a whole. The essay will help different types of leaders to identify their weaknesses. Every person has both pros and cons. great personalities sometimes need to motivate themselves to encourage leadership among the team (Tyssen et al., 2013). Many organizations are successful in the marketplace in developing and promoting leadership among the junior and senior executives. The information that is provided in the essay covers many topics of leaderships that are vital in the practical field. Challenges that are described in the article will help potential leaders to avoid the mistakes in their daily work. Many types of factors that are responsible for creating hindrances in the field of leadership in organizations (Spector, 2014). Both social and organizational leaders will be benefitted by avoiding themselves from the occurrence of the common mistakes of leaders. The overcoming challenge is a vital aspect that leaders must accomplish to achieve success in the organization. The argument that is raised at the global level regarding problems and issues of world leaders are explained in this study. Suggestions are provided to the organizational leaders for improving their performances and encouragement of leaderships in the firms they are associated into (Avolio Yammarino, 2013). Information is provided on the global level so that they will be able to gain a thorough understanding of vast arrays of issues on a global scale. The essay is about leadership practices and its challenges faced by organizational leaders. The study describes an array of topics related to the failure of leadership practices by many leaders in organizations. Types of problems along with the factors of causing the issues are discussed in an elaborate manner. Thorough research on the various topics of leadership is explained in the perspectives of theoretical models of leaderships are mentioned in the essay. Managers of enterprises on the proper implication of theoretical frameworks of leadership will help in the improved performance of individual as well as in groups. Finally, it will assist the firm in developing leadership not only in the senior level of managers but also among the junior level of employees. Recommendations are also provided to the leaders apart from theoretical models to cope up with the situation that are creating hindrances in managing leadership issues at the organizational level. Many types of leadership st yles and leadership skills are described in details to help the executives and managers to select proper form of leadership style in managing teams. Successful business global leaders in their organizations use the techniques are transformational, democratic, participative, autocratic, situational, laissez-faire, etc. References Arnold, K. A., Loughlin, C. (2013). Integrating transformational and participative versus directive leadership theories: Examining intellectual stimulation in male and female leaders across three contexts.Leadership Organization Development Journal,34(1), 67-84. Avolio, B. J., Yammarino, F. J. (2013). Introduction to, and overview of, transformational and charismatic leadership.Transformational and charismatic leadership: the road ahead. London: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Burris, K., Ayman, R., Che, Y., Min, H. (2013). Asian Americans and Caucasians implicit leadership theories: Asian stereotypes, transformational, and authentic leadership.Asian American Journal of Psychology,4(4), 258. Camm, T. W. (2016). Pseudo Leadership and Safety Culture. Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C., House, R. J. (Eds.). (2013).Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge. Christensen, L. J., Mackey, A., Whetten, D. (2014). Taking responsibility for corporate social responsibility: The role of leaders in creating, implementing, sustaining, or avoiding socially responsible firm behaviors.The Academy of Management Perspectives,28(2), 164-178. Das, S. C. (2015). Emerging socio-cultural perspectives of implicit leadership theories related to Indo-Pak enterprises.The Business Management Review,6(5), 51. Frost, D. E. (2016). Development Of Implicit Leadership Theories Prior To Training Or Employment.Journal of Applied Business Research,32(2), 555. Gentry, W. A., Eckert, R. H. (2012). Integrating implicit leadership theories and fit into the development of global leaders: A 360Â degree approach.Industrial and Organizational Psychology,5(2), 224-227. Kumar, S., Adhish, V. S., Deoki, N. (2014). Making sense of theories of leadership for capacity building.Indian Journal of Community Medicine,39(2), 82. McCleskey, J. A. (2014). Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development.Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,5(4), 117. Miner, J. B. (2015).Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Ofoegbu, F., Clark, A., Osagie, R. (2013). Leadership Theories and Practice: Charting the Part for Improved Nigerian Schools.Journal of the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM),41(2), 67-76. 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Washington, R. R., Sutton, C. D., Sauser Jr, W. I. (2014). How distinct is servant leadership theory? Empirical comparisons with competing theories.Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics,11(1), 11.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Povertys Effects Mexican-American Students free essay sample
Many students who are not living in the United States of America are attending American public schools for free. In 1982, the Supreme Court made it illegal for schools to investigate a family’s immigration status (Brown). Laws make it impossible for a school to restrict undocumented immigrants or non-residents from attending. May 2014, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. and Education Secretary Arne Duncan delivered a reminder to schools that refusing undocumented children an education is against federal law (Preston). Secretary Arne Duncan also made a statement saying, â€Å"Our goal must be to educate, not to intimidate†(Preston). American citizens should not have to pay taxes to support students that are not citizens of the U.S.A. or traveling students that do not live in the school’s district. If an American student is living in Mexico, that student should attend school in Mexico, not the United States. By rule of federal law, public schools are unable to request documentation, as previously stated. We will write a custom essay sample on Povertys Effects: Mexican-American Students or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The federal government if forcing school districts to accept all students; Plyler v. Doe (1982) made a major impact on the court’s decision. According to Cornell University’s Law school, â€Å"Plyler v. Doe is a U.S. Supreme Court case in which the Court struck down a Texas statute that denied funding to local school districts for the education of children who were not legally admitted into the United States, and which authorized local school districts to deny enrollment to such children (Cornell). The Court held that illegal aliens and their children, though not citizens of the United States or Texas, are people in any ordinary sense of the term and, therefore, are afforded Fourteenth Amendment protections and that since the state law severely disadvantaged the children of without a compelling state interest†it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment†(Cornell). These laws should be changed. Amendments to the Constitution exist f or a reason. Only those that support the â€Å"liberty†of the United States of America as a whole should benefit from its grace and protection. It is important for every child to receive an education, but not at the great expense to another country, in this case, the United States. Schools impact students in a number of positive ways including classes providing health and physical education information that discourage unhealthy behavior. Children in low income or struggling homes often drop out of school, and tend to get into trouble more than students who continue school and graduate. Numbers seem to be even higher for Mexican children, and the young ages of the affected children are astonishing. One negative effect is the broad number of smoking minors and drug users. The International Journal of Behavioral Medicine explains one study done based on the numbers of Latino smoking children and teens. â€Å"In a recent study, Moreno et al. (1994) found that Mexican and Mexica n-American parents are more likely to prompt, directly or indirectly, their seventh grade adolescents to engage in smoking-related behaviors than parents from other ethnic groups†(Sallis). America’s hard-earned tax dollars are spent on undocumented students that do not help support the school district’s funding. A major point in the argument for traveling students from Mexico to the United States is their citizenship. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of undocumented Mexican immigrants have children in the United States every year. These children are legal American citizens even though their parents are not. American children whose parents do not live in America do not contribute to the national and local taxes. Traveling students that reside in Mexico and attend United States schools add to the financial problems.The students use up American taxes and put unnecessary pressure on the school districts. No, it is not necessarily fair to the students themselves, but it is not right that they travel and a separate school district is made responsible for their tuition fees. Sandra Dibble wrote about the struggles traveling students face in her article â€Å"Pr ogram helps U.S. students in Mexican schools†. She seems to approve of the student’s undocumented attendance in United States schools. It is hard for kids, who were raised in America, to make it in Tijuana schools even though their families are of Mexican origin, and many speak Spanish at home. Dibble explains that many of the students consider themselves American and want to return to their old schools. New York Times journalist Patricia Leigh Brown published an article that states, â€Å"Ed Brand, superintendent of the Sweetwater Union High School District in Chula Vista, says an American citizen living outside the county would pay tuition of $7,162.†So, for every student in that district that should be unapproved, $7,162 is spent (Brown). Studies in 2010 showed that Mexico spent a minimal average of $2,993 per student (Washington AP). If a country is not willing or able to meet the growing needs of its students it should not be the required duty of another country to do so. Figure 1 displays the education spending for multiple countries. Mexico, shown in red, spent $2,765 per student in 2011 while the United States, shown in blue, spent $11,841 per student.The statistics presented are troubling because as costs are rising, Mexico is decreasing its education funding (Washington AP). Education is Mexico will have a dismal future if changes are not made. Rising financial pressures, caused by the Mexican government and economy, have pushed families to illegally immigrate. The outrageous number of undocumented immigrants and students in the United States are primarily caused by Mexico’s inability to support its people. Mexico needs to take responsibility for its citizens. The government of Mexico should pay a minimum of $2,993, or $2,765 depending on which year data is taken from, to the United States government for every Mexican student that attends American public schools. A stipend would assist the United States and give more students of Mexican origin an opportunity to attend school without draining the education taxes. Traveling and undocumented students would no longer have to hide behind a shameful facade built on lies. The students have shown themselves to be hard workers fighting for an education. A fee based on location, nationality, and family income would benefit both the students and the U.S. government. Of course the Mexican government lacks the funds to fully pay for all of the children attending schools in America, but a plan such as this could help more students thrive. If successful students can achieve great things in America, they can help cultivate a strong educational program in Mexico. The motivation is there, but students need funding and more opportunities. Positive results can come from a stressful and confusing issue such as the fight for education. By implementing necessary changes needed to government policy, politicians would greatly improve the education in schools needed in the United States of America.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Character analysis Essay Example
Character analysis Essay Example Character analysis Essay Character analysis Essay 1. William Munny goals at the beginning of the film where very defined. The story first starts off with a prologue scrolling across the screen and a silhouette figure of William Munny burying his wife. The text tells us of a less then perfect man and husband; William Munny. A drunk, an outlaw, and a vengeful killer, who has now reformed his ways to take care of his children and to up hold the vows to his wife; to stay sober. As the protagonist in the film, Will Munny was living his somber life fulfilling the dream left to his wife on his less then productive pig farm. As the film progressed, Will is torn between the vows of his deceased wife and his inner demons. William finds that in order fulfill his goals to take care of his family, he would have to break his vows to his wife. Leading him to accept the opportunity set forth by The Schofield Kid. The main drive in Will Munny decision was pure money, that is also set forth in his character name. The pure financial gain (simple fix) rather then morals moves him to this decision. 2. The common character traits share between Will Munny, Ned Logan, The Schofield Kid, and Little Bill Daggett is that at one point in their lives they were or trying to be outlaws, to make a name for themselves and make a buck or two. Will Munny traits were defined as his devotion to his wife and the love for his family. Just as his name states it; he had a will for money, which in turn was the root of all his evil. Ned Logan and his Spencer rifle; most noted for use in military wars. Ned kept his Spencer right above the door way in his home and seemed to cherish it and when he offers his Spencer rifle to Munny as he wont be using it anymore, is the real turning point for Ned, that this is not the life he intended to lead. The Schofield Kid traits where that he could not see very far, he had limited skills but had an eagerness and a will to learn. His role in the movie was that of a past Will Munny. Finally, Little Bill whose name again is a reference to the term of money. Little Bi lls job as the town sheriff is the depiction of fairness in the town whos more interested in protecting the financial interests of Skinny the pimp than in effecting justice for the prostitutes. He is a man that portrays violence, intelligence, and is the depiction of fairness in Little Whiskey but yet the most truthful character in the film by exposing the Duke of Death as a false statement. 3. The movie Unforgiven is very Classical Hollywood Cinema in an essence that the story centers on the personal inner causes: the commitment that Will Munny made to his beloved wife, choice of leaving his children and abolishing the vows of his wife collectively procuring the bounty and the traits of a vengeful and almost indiscriminate murderer. The title itself hold a symbolic meaning in the movie one could question the forgiveness of Will Munny; was he seeking forgiveness or already obtained forgiveness.
Friday, November 22, 2019
8 Ways to Tell If a Website Is Reliable
8 Ways to Tell If a Website Is Reliable For every reputable website, there are dozens chock full of information thats inaccurate, unreliable or just plain nutty. For the unwary, inexperienced journalist or researcher, such sites can present a minefield of possible problems. With that in mind, here are eight ways to tell if a website is reliable. 1. Look for Sites from Established Institutions The internet is full of websites that were started five minutes ago. What you want are sites associated with trusted institutions that have been around for awhile and have a proven track record of reliability and integrity. Such sites may include those run by government agencies, non-profit organizations, foundations, or colleges and universities. 2. Look for Sites with Expertise You wouldnt go to an auto mechanic if you broke your leg, and you wouldnt go to the hospital to have your car repaired. Im making an obvious point: Look for websites that specialize in the kind of information youre seeking. So if youre writing a story on a flu outbreak, check out medical websites, such as the Centers for Disease Control, and so on. 3. Steer Clear of Commercial Sites Sites run by companies and business - their websites usually end in .com - are more often than not trying to sell you something. And if theyre trying to sell you something, chances are whatever information theyre presenting will be tilted in favor of their product. Thats not to say corporate sites should be excluded entirely. But be wary. 4. Beware of Bias Reporters write a lot about politics, and there are plenty of political websites out there. But many of them are run by groups that have a bias in favor of one political party or philosophy. A conservative website isnt likely to report objectively on a liberal politician, and vice versa. Steer clear of sites with a political ax to grind and instead look for ones that are non-partisan. 5. Check the Date As a reporter you need the most up-to-date information available, so if a website seems old, its probably best to steer clear. One way to check - look for a last updated date on the page or site. 6. Consider the Sites Look If a site looks poorly designed and amateurish, chances are it was created by amateurs. Steer clear. But be careful - just because a website is professionally designed doesnt mean its reliable. 7. Avoid Anonymous Authors Articles or studies whose authors are named are often - though not always - more reliable than works produced anonymously. It makes sense: If someone is willing to put their name on something theyve written, chances are they stand by the information it contains. And if you have the name of the author, you can always Google them to check their credentials. 8. Check the Links Reputable websites often link to each other. You can find out which other websites link to the site youre researching by conducting a link-specific Google search. Enter the following text into the Google search field, replacing [WEBSITE] with the domain of the site youre researching: link:[WEBSITE].com The search results will show you which websites link to the one youre researching. If lots of sites are linking to your site, and those sites seem reputable, then thats a good sign.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Lower Mainland region of Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Lower Mainland region of Canada - Essay Example In the lower mainland, the educational services have transformed a little compared to those, which were offered in 2004, which were relatively safe. Positive change in educational services from 2004 to 2014 is mainly to the increase in the number of the universities in the lower mainland of Canada, offer education to students including the overseas student (Bruegmann, 2006). Presently, these services must be improved as the educational services are progressing throughout the world, and if these services do not improve, the lower mainland will find itself far behind other in the field of education. Innovations are required to make the things better and easy for the welfare of the people, which offer populace with suitable facilities that all the other people of different areas using and living a well-balanced life. Moreover, in the current year innovations is progressive while professional, scientific and technical services have gone one-step back as compared to the previous years and decreasing the economy of the area. Food and accommodation services have remained the same in the lower mainland from the past ten years. There is an increase of 3.1% in development of food and accommodation from 2004 to 2014 in the area (Bruegmann, 2006). Static in food and accommodation is mainly due to the presence of numerous hotels in the lower mainland at different rates and with the various facilities, which is available for all. There exist all type foods are available. Moreover, rooms can be booked online and can be canceled anytime.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
God sees everything Discuss the importance of vision and blindness in Essay
God sees everything Discuss the importance of vision and blindness in 'The Great Gatsby' - Essay Example This paper will particularly discuss the importance of the concepts of vision and blindness in the novel. The Great Gatsby presents a complex vision of the interrelation between impulses, and its final meaning resides in an understanding of the nature of that relationship. This brings us to the fact that in the novel, women are portrayed as the object of such impulses and therefore, a key to understanding such thesis. According to Judith Fetterly (1978), the American literature in regard to the romantic nostalgia set store on the sense of wonder, which is intimately and expectedly paired with a sense of loss and that women are usually used as counters to these emotions. (p. 75) Fitzgerald’s vision of lost America is widely regarded as the same with Gatsby’s vision of Daisy. In the male mind, which is collectively those of Gatsby, Carraway and Fitzgerald’s, the impulse to wonder is instinctively associated with the image of woman, and the ensuing gambits of the romantic imagination are played out in female metaphors. What this means for us is that in the novel, Gatsby is the incarnation of the American visionary and his story is the chronicle of the quintessential â€Å"American dream†with Daisy herself as America, like the old island that flowered once for the Dutch sailor eyes - the freshest green breast of the new world. (Fitzgerald p. 140) She was the conscious and subconscious focus of Gatsby’s visions and actions. The â€Å"green light†in the novel further provided insight in this regard. At the end of Chapter I, Nick Carraway, lingered on the lawn for sometime, under the stars, and became aware that Gatsby was there, too: I decided to call on him†¦ But I didn’t†¦ for he gave a sudden intimation that he was content to be alone – he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, as far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Choice Theories and How They Relate To Crime Essay Example for Free
Choice Theories and How They Relate To Crime Essay Choice Theories are a rational choice that actors act upon because of the thoughts and feelings they have. It is an immediate instinct to do what’s needed for your immediate survival at the time. Also Known as a personal conscious choice. Rational people think that the act will benefit them more than cause harm to themselves. They do not know if it will cause harm to anyone else around them but honestly they normally do not care. Criminals are a great group of people whom commit these acts. They feel that they are restrained and that their choices are constricted. They use this as a last and sometimes only resort. Criminals are seen as inherently anit-social. This gives the criminals a sense of control, power, and in their minds gives them an alternative career. For example look at drug dealers. They live their lives selling drugs not because they enjoy doing it and disobeying the law but because they can work for two hours and they can make more money than I do in two weeks working 40+ hours. They love quick easy money and over look the consequences. The only way to stop this major crime rate and help keep our justice system a little more organized and not so stressful is to make the cost of crime so high that no rational human will commit the crime. All of this does not go for a criminal whom sits down and thinks of the cost/benefit portion of things. A choice theory to some is simply nothing other than a resort.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Martin Luther King Jrs Impact on the Civil Rights Movement Essay
Martin Luther King Jr's Impact on the Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' speech directly contributed to the Civil Rights movement. While delivering his speech at a kairotic moment, King tells us how blacks have been serving an injustice and that they should be treated equally. Much had transpired before the speech was delivered. As civil rights protests spread throughout the nation, King continued to combine peaceful methods of protest and his theological training to work towards the hope of equal rights for blacks (Kauffeld and Lefrd, 1989). During this time, blacks were not treated equally and were often denied service. King was trying to get the merchants and the government officials to negotiate on their terms which would allow blacks to be allowed in all facilities that white people were and to be hired on a non-discriminatory basis (King, 1969). For example, in Birmingham, Alabama, black men and women held sit-ins and kneel-ins where they were denied service at lunch counters and attendance at church. Many demonstrators were fined and arrested for these acts. In 1963, King, Reverend Shuttlesworth, and Reverend Abernathy lead a protest in Birmingham. They were then arrested and taken to Southside Jail. Society treated blacks and whites differe ntly, like they didn't matter. King was raised to treat others in the same manner no matter what the circumstances, which lead to his speech that contributed to the civil rights movement and helped change blacks rights (Dyson, 2000). On August 28th, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., the African-American civil-rights movement reached its high potential when Martin Luther King spoke to over 250,000 people attending h... ... our nation became one and is a better place because of it. The ?I Have a Dream? speech not only contributed to the civil rights movement, but it is the most influential speech in history. Works Cited Bond, Julian. "Kings 1963 I Have a Dream Speech." Seattle Times 4 April 1993. Dyson, Michael. I May Not Get There With You: The True Martin Luther King Jr. New York: Free Press, 2000. King, Corretta. "My Life with Martin Luther King Jr." Holt Rinehart and Winston: Canada. 1969 King, Corretta S. The Words of Martin Luther King Jr. New York: Newmarket Press,1987. Kauffeld, Fred and Lefrd, Michael. Texts in Context: Critique dialogues on Significant Episodes in American Public Rhetoric. Davis: Hemagoras Press, 1989. Rappaport, Dorreen. Martins Big Words: The Life of Martin Luther King Jr. New York: Scholastic Inc., 2002.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Business Forecasting Assignment Operations Essay
Business forecasting is the process of studying historical performance for the purpose of using the knowledge gained to project future business conditions so that decisions can be made today that will aid in the achievement of established goals. Forecasting plays a crucial role in today’s uncertain global marketplace. Forecasting is traditionally either qualitative or quantitative, with each offering specific advantages and disadvantages. Qualitative and Quantitative Forecasting TechniquesForecasting can be classified into qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative techniques are subjective or judgmental and are based on estimates and opinions. The Delphi technique, a common form of qualitative forecasting, allows experts to create an effective forecast under conditions of extreme uncertainty. Time’s series forecasting, a quantitative technique, uses a statistical analysis of past sales in order to effectively predict future outcomes, but can be limited under conditions of uncertainty (Chase, 2003, p.364). Business forecasting can be used in a wide variety of contexts, and by a wide variety of businesses. For example, effective forecasting can determine sales based on attendance at a trade show, or the customer demand for products and services (Business and Economic Forecasting, p.1). One of the most important assumptions of business forecasters is that the past acts as an important guide for the future. It is important to note that forecasters must consider a number of new information, including rapidly changing economic conditions and globalization, when creating business forecasts based on past sales. Globalization and economic slowdown has made businesses subject to a great deal of uncertainty. In this time of rapid change, economies worldwide change rapidly, new markets open up and old ones change, and demand for products is often uncertain. As such, businesses must be flexible and adaptable in the types of methods that they use to forecast future sales (Chase, 2003, p.472). In an ever-changing global marketplace, organizations are constantly coming up against unusual and novel situations. It is in these situations that modern methods of business forecasting can be especially useful. Modern forecasting methods are usually grouped into two main categories: qualitative methods, and quantitative methods. Qualitative analysis includes the intuitive and knowledge-based approach as discussed earlier. The decision maker reviews all of the information available, and then makes an estimated forecast. Quantitative techniques are used mostly when qualitative information is not available. In contrast, qualitative techniques are based on an analysis of data (Namvar, 2000, p.8). Delphi Forecasting MethodQualitative forecasting techniques are: executive committee, the Delphi method, and surveys of the sales force, surveys of customers, historical analogy, and market research. The objective of most Delphi applications is the reliable and creative exploration of ideas or the production of suitable information for decision-making. The Delphi Method is based on a structured process for collecting and distilling knowledge from a group of experts by means of a series of questionnaires interspersed with controlled opinion feedback (Chase, 2003, P471). The Delphi method is a variation of the executive committee approach. But the interaction is indirect, iterative and structured. The basic premise of Delphi method is to identify a group of experts and each of them are given a set of questions or issues, and asked to respond. After a given amount of time, the responses are sent to a coordinator or monitoring group that does not participate in the earlier stages of the Delphi processes. This group then feeds back the responses to other members of the group, while never giving away the identity of the response. The experts are then asked to respond again, after reviewing the responses of other respondents. This process may continue until a consensus is reached among the group. The group may be united to form a final consensus (Namvar, 2000, p.8). Time Series Forecasting MethodTime series techniques are the most popular quantitative method. These techniques use statistical methods for projecting from historical data. Quantitative techniques are preferred when appropriate data are available. The main assumption is that the historical pattern will continue into the future. The two main types of time series forecasting are average smoothing and exponential smoothing. The moving average is simply a series of arithmetic averages. Predicting sales for next year is simple. The actual sales for a certain number of years is added, and then divided by the number of years used to get the moving average. A weighted moving average is obtained by assigning a specific weight to previous years. The sum of all weights must equal one. Recent years are given a higher weight (Namvar, 2000, p.13). Exponential smoothing is simply a subtype of the weighted moving average. A new forecast is a weighted sum of actual variables (usually sales) in the current year and the weighted forecast of the variable for that period. It has the advantage of being relatively easy to compute. In contrast the moving average method is quick, cheap, and easy to use, but does not easily take into account variations based on seasonal effects and cycles (Namvar, 2000, p.14). Both the Delphi technique and Time series forecasting are valuable forecasting tools in the right circumstance. The Delphi technique is useful for short-term forecasts. This ability is contingent upon the familiarity of experts with specific issues (Namvar, 2000, p.8). One of the major problems with the Delphi technique, as with all other qualitative techniques, is identifying good employees to form expert opinions and judgments, and then getting these experts to agree on a forecast (Namvar, 2000, p.9). Given the limitations of qualitative techniques, quantitative forecasting is usually preferred where there is enough past data (Namvar, 2000, p.12). In conditions of uncertainty, the Delphi technique offers a great deal flexibility. Using the Delphi technique, experts in a field can often come to a creative and insightful consensus. In contrast, time series forecasting may be less useful under conditions of extreme uncertainty because of its qualitative nature. When new conditions arise, it may be difficult to predict future sales based on past sales when conditions were more certain. Therefore, the Delphi technique is often a more valuable tool for business forecasting during conditions of uncertainty. Firstlogic Inc., The Company manufactures information quality and postal automation software that helps companies ensure the data they are storing and adding to their corporate databases is clean, accurate and reliable. More than 6,000 customers around the world use Firstlogic products. (www.firstlogic.com). The recent global economic slowdown and increased uncertainty in many facets of business, have caused organizations to rethink their priorities and strategies. Like any other companies, My company was forced to look well ahead in order to plan their investments, launch new products and services, devise new ways to develop and leverage human capital and so on. All key decisions related to these activities are derived from a sales forecast, which is the most critical and difficult area of the management. Forecasting can allow businesses to predict sales, and thus determine a wide variety of business expenses. Firstlogic heavily relies on quantitative methods for business forecasting based on several factors like degree of accuracy, investment decisions, time horizon to forecast, capital investment decision, product changes, style, quality, price changes, labor problems, available data and information and position of products in its life cycle to forecast the future sales. Firstlogic use information on past sales and times to help determine demand for products and services, effectively forecasting the specific products/services that would release to market at a given point in time. Despite the effectiveness of quantitative forecasting tools, the company has had less success with these methods in short term forecasts. Given the high degree of uncertainty in today’s marketplace, qualitative forecasting techniques like the Delphi technique may help Firstlogic to better-forecast future sales. Conclusion In conclusion, business forecasting methods must be used in order to fit current conditions of uncertainty. Delphi technique and time series forecasting both are valuable forecasting tools when used in the right circumstance. The Delphi technique is useful for short-term forecasts; therefore, it is often a more valuable tool for business forecasting during conditions of uncertainty. References Business and Economic Forecasting. Retrieved November 4, 2005, fromhttp://www.sbeusers.csuhayward.edu/~acassuto/econ3551/summary/chapter6.ht
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Speech of oath Ceremony
Especially to those dew drops who have made their presence in the lawns of this college for the first time, I called the Dew drops yes they are because we believe that they are as pure as the purity in the drops of dew we observe on the grass early in the morning. And now is the time to impel along with that purity in them the moral values so that they will shine in heights of the sky this also is a fact that they also have entered this premises with an aim to groom their life. Which implies that they have entered the college life where from they will come out to be the future of tomorrow’s society.The author of Re imagine Mr. Tom Peters has assessed the colleges as, â€Å"I imagine a college system that recognizes learning is natural, that a love of learning is normal, and that real learning is passionate learning. A college curriculum that values questions above answer†¦.. creativity above fact regurgitation†¦. individuality above conformity.. and excellence above standardized performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ And we must reject all notice of reform` that serve up more of the same: more testing, more `standards`, more uniformity, more conformity, more bureaucracy.In context to these words of Tom Peter I assure all the parents and the students sitting in front that we all under this roof are determined to inculcate good moral values among the children who enter the premises of this college because they are supposed to be the future of tomorrow, As we are all carriers of our own stories. We have never trusted our own voices. Reforms came, but we don’t make them. They were presented by people removed from colleges, by ‘experts’ such changes bi passes college.College by college changes, however slow, could make a powerful difference. Which implies that good colleges are still possible. With these lines of ‘Deborah Meier’ I conclude my words and whole heartedly welcome the new comers here in our family Sai Pariwar. Now to start off with the official part of the welcome ceremony I request the chairman of shri Sai Baba Aadarsh mahavidyalaya, along with the secretary SSBAM, the principal of the college and the Department heads from all the faculties to come ahead for the lightening of the lamp.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on The Metaphysics Of Plato’s Socrates.
The Metaphysics of Plato’s Socrates. What we know is that we know nothing. Is there life beyond death? That is a ceaseless question that almost all people ask themselves at some point of their life on earth. Do we die and become worm food or should death be described as the separation of the soul from the body? Plato’s Socrates proposes that after death the soul exists by itself, apart from the body, while the body, for its part, remains by itself, apart from the soul. Socrates contrasts body and soul in terms of their respective desires: the contrast is in the eudaemonist ethical key, for it focuses on where body and soul, respectively, place their happiness. The body longs principally for the pleasures of eating, drinking, and sex, he observes, whereas the soul-which, I begin to detect, is being considered almost exclusively as a mind-soul, sets its desires on attaining wisdom. Socrates is assuming that readers will agree that these two desire registers are in opposition to each other, pull against each other, so that the soul of the philosopher who is earnest in his quest for wisdom must turn away from the body and its desires, turn toward the soul, and indeed set the soul free from involvement with the body. At this point I realized that Socrates’ view of the relationship between body and soul here, in the Phaedo, has turned out to be dualistic. The view satisfies the two criteria historians of thought lay down for any genuine dualism: first, most of the time there are two members involved, each of them being viewed as a reality capable of existing on its own; and, second, those members, even when joined to each other, remain opposed to each other. Hence, the ethical antagonism, the pull of one against the other, on which Socrates has just laid such heavy emphasis. Then he goes on to show that this dualistic antagonism operates in the epistemological sphere as well: it shows up in the way the body interfere... Free Essays on The Metaphysics Of Plato’s Socrates. Free Essays on The Metaphysics Of Plato’s Socrates. The Metaphysics of Plato’s Socrates. What we know is that we know nothing. Is there life beyond death? That is a ceaseless question that almost all people ask themselves at some point of their life on earth. Do we die and become worm food or should death be described as the separation of the soul from the body? Plato’s Socrates proposes that after death the soul exists by itself, apart from the body, while the body, for its part, remains by itself, apart from the soul. Socrates contrasts body and soul in terms of their respective desires: the contrast is in the eudaemonist ethical key, for it focuses on where body and soul, respectively, place their happiness. The body longs principally for the pleasures of eating, drinking, and sex, he observes, whereas the soul-which, I begin to detect, is being considered almost exclusively as a mind-soul, sets its desires on attaining wisdom. Socrates is assuming that readers will agree that these two desire registers are in opposition to each other, pull against each other, so that the soul of the philosopher who is earnest in his quest for wisdom must turn away from the body and its desires, turn toward the soul, and indeed set the soul free from involvement with the body. At this point I realized that Socrates’ view of the relationship between body and soul here, in the Phaedo, has turned out to be dualistic. The view satisfies the two criteria historians of thought lay down for any genuine dualism: first, most of the time there are two members involved, each of them being viewed as a reality capable of existing on its own; and, second, those members, even when joined to each other, remain opposed to each other. Hence, the ethical antagonism, the pull of one against the other, on which Socrates has just laid such heavy emphasis. Then he goes on to show that this dualistic antagonism operates in the epistemological sphere as well: it shows up in the way the body interfere...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Assessment of Heroism in the Characters of Gawain and Beowulf
An Assessment of Heroism in the Characters of Gawain and Beowulf Who is more heroic: Gawain or Beowulf? Hero (n): a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities (Merriam-Webster.com). While deciphering the true meaning of heroism for a few minutes something stopped me. In general opinion, most readers would consider Beowulf more heroic. And, according to the pattern of literature, film, and storytelling Beowulf is more heroic. But truly, it depends on which context you are viewing this upon. If we were to read the two stories in the Anglo-Saxon era, of which took place from 410 – 1066 AD, we could all agree Beowulf is the true hero. He fought off two monsters and a dragon among other beasts. When he fought Grendel he proclaimed, â€Å"it won’t be a cutting edge I’ll wield to mow him down, easily as I might†¦ He has no idea of the arts of war, of shield or sword-play, although he does possess a wild strength†(Greenblatt, 55). He acknowledges the pure strength of Grendel, and declares he will fight him without weapons because that is the just thing to do. He wants to be fair and square. A cowardly or even just average person would use any advantage to best the monster, but Beowulf has a true inner-courage, incomparable to anyone else in existence. He won battles nobody else could. Gawain had one battle to fight. He only volunteered because nobody else would except for his king, and he kept the â€Å"magical girdle†instead of show ing up as he promised to (giving the green knight a fair blow to his neck). He was fearful, where Beowulf was not. Beowulf fought bare-handedly when he didn’t even have to. So, physically or externally Beowulf was the true hero. In parallel the two stories yield a different answer, when viewing them from the eyes of a person alive in the 21st century. The true hero comes from within today. For example, someone who can lift three cars has less of a place in society than someone who can travel to third world countries and give food and shelter to those who are unfortunate. Gawain has more inner strength than Beowulf does. For example, in the days leading up to the meeting with the Green Knight, he is tested by temptations. One of those temptations is sex, and yet, despite the Green Knight’s wife’s strong sex appeal, he turns her away in the nicest way possible. The Green Knight was testing Gawain up until the moment he struck him with the axe. Gawain, fearful, kept the girdle that the Green Knight’s wife gave him because he believed it’s magical powers would save him. Therefore, he broke his promise. He was supposed to bear his neck, no shield, no protection. He lost his â€Å"tr oth†or his word by wearing that girdle. When he finds out that the Green Knight was testing him in his ability to keep his troth he was furious. He admitted, â€Å" Dread of the death blow and cowardly doubts meant I gave into greed, and in doing so forgot the freedom and fidelity every knight knows to follow†(Greenblatt, 235). After that the Green Knight forgives him because, like the readers, he sees Gawain’s strength in admitting his downfall and being truthful and regretful in the end. Beowulf is the opposite. He is egotistical and arrogant. Yes, he is significantly strong, but it is never enough. He always wants more. He always wants the fame, as when he left his men behind to take on the dragon, alone, despite his old age. Beowulf’s fault led him to his death, whereas Gawain’s humility saved his life. In today’s world all of us are faced with numerous different amounts of temptation. It speaks a lot to ones character to avoid them, and to speak for themselves in regret when they falter in their ability to deny those temptations. Gawain does this, when Beowulf is blind to his own faults. Today, Gawain would be the true hero. This is why when reading and interpreting the texts we must always consider context. Gawain is the real â€Å"person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities†(Merriam-Webster). Gawain is the indisputable hero.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Organizational Change Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Organizational Change Paper - Essay Example Organizational psychology therefore is critical for the success and failure of the organization as its impact on achieving the desired level of performance from the employees is really significant. Historical roots of organizational psychology indicate that this discipline started as an off-shoot of industrial psychology and it is still considered as a part of it. However, over the period of time, the subject has evolved and included many new dimensions to the field of business management. What is also significant to understand that organizational psychology brought about a scientific approach in the field of business management? By linking the research with that of the organizational behavior, this discipline has basically opened new ways of understanding the human behavior in formal organizations and how that behavior can actually be modified to achieve the organizational objectives. The development of organizational psychology seems to be the result of multitude of factors which contributed to the development of this subject. The combination of external as well as internal factors led to the belief that psychology can be applied to solve the problems of the businesses and as such a new discipline of organizational psychology started to emerge. This definition indicates that the organizational psychology deals directly with the individual as well as group behaviors under the formal organizational environment and as such focus on exploiting and researching the behavior under different and variable circumstances so that it can be modified to achieve the strategic objectives of the firm. The work of Katz and Kahn further explored the idea of organizational psychology and concluded that organizational psychology is all about patterned human behavior because only patterned human behavior can allow a structure to evolve and as such under this formal structure
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Quiz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Quiz - Essay Example When the bee colony collapses, there are fewer bees available to pollinate the flowers that produce foods that we need such as almonds, apples and berries and foods that our food eats like alfalfa. Fuchsia – Hummingbird; Canada Goldenrod – Western Honeybee; Comet Orchid – Sphinx Moth; Common Blue Violet – Common Blue Violet; Wild Celery – Water; Corpse Flower – Carrion Beetle; African Baobab – Rousette Fruit Bat / 7 of 7 correct Go to the PBS website for the Shape of Life series at http://www.pbs.org/kcet/shapeoflife/episodes/index.html There are 8 boxes each box has one type of animal phyla. Pick one of the animal phyla by clicking on the box. Read and explore the link then write a summary of what you learn. Try to connect it to what we went over in class. Cnidarians (jellyfish) probably are the first creatures to have begun to move and studies have shown that the reason for this is not necessarily so that they could swim, but so that they could also bring food closer to their ‘mouths’. Fungi, plants and bacteria all have a similar structure, cell walls. However the cell walls in each have a different composition. Bacterial cells walls contain _murein_, fungal cell walls contain _chiton_, and plant cell walls contain _cellulose_. The similar structures formed for a similar purpose but the difference in the molecular composition indicates that they are (homologous or analogous structures)? (Check Chapter
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